We have security and a fixed cost per user per month
We cover all IT offsite related cost to include Hardware, Software, and ongoing Support. With this solution, all users have access to their data and applications located in our Secure Bunker facility in Jackson, TN. This facility provides you with all the desired corporate infrastructure without adding the cost of construction to you while providing you a structure for centralized data and the same user experience across all employees. This solution is custom-designed for each client.
Whether in your office, at home, or on a business trip, have access to all the productivity tools your need to get your work done. As long as you have an internet-enabled device, you can have access to your work-environment
Our solutions grow with your business. Adding a new employee will never be a problem for us.
Our solutions have local staffing that’s always a phone-call away and can get to your data when you need it. Not only will you know where your data is, but also the people behind it.
With constant backups and underground facilities, your data is safe from destruction caused by natural disasters like fires and tornados.