ATA Technologies Technical Support Center Answers Service Calls 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. Our Help Desk is staffed with experienced Technicians during normal business hours and On-call Engineers who are assigned to return calls and diligently work issues after hours. Our support team is located in Nashville, Memphis and Jackson Tennessee.
With the utilization of Remote Access tools, we are able to connect with the agent allowing the ability to diagnose hardware and software failures. In the event that onsite support is required, our support center has a process for dispatching a technician immediately or scheduling a time that is convenient for the client
Perhaps the biggest benefit Alexander Thompson Arnold has seen is our ability to design and implement technology that meets their needs and improves their productivity. Our technology offers self-remediation and allows us to be proactive and less reactive for support needs.
ATA Technologies has Designed and Implemented a Cloud Citrix environment that is accessible both in the offices and while out of the office. All the data is housed in one location with redundancy to allow for high availability.
Having a partnership with ATA Technologies has allowed us to focus on our CPA Firm. Our firm has grown to the 6th largest accounting firm in Tennessee and ATA Technologies has been a key participant in making that successful. With their experience, expertise, and attentiveness our organization has the technology to grow and remain productive.
John Whybrew
Managing Partner
Alexander Thompson Arnold, PLLC.
ATA Technologies ensures all PCI Compliance and performs Security Assessments that include Penetration Testing and Social Engineering. We have also setup safeguards and monitor Intrusion Protection (IPS), Anti-Virus (Webroot), and Network Management. We have also worked closely with the client to review access rights to utilize technology to ensure data integrity with logical access rights.
ATA Technologies provides Offsite Backup Services for the client to ensure data is recoverable and limit downtime expectations.
As requested by Alexander Thompson Arnold, we have designed procedures for adding new users and removing users in an organized and documented process. Additionally, we provide all documentation to the form’s IT Committee that report on some assets and all licensing information.